Give Now To Save Our Children
Join Partners For Change | Give Now to Save Our Children in over 80 countries, and make a donation today to empower families to conquer poverty, hunger, and injustice. Discover how you can be a part of this transformative movement for a better world.

Give monthly to where it's most needed
The “Give Monthly to Where It’s Most Needed” program is an initiative of Save Our Children to ensure that the children in need of help are given the necessary resources each month. By giving monthly, we are able to provide those children with consistent care and support, allowing them to have the best chance at a successful future.
The “Give Monthly to Where It’s Most Needed” program is open to everyone, regardless of income level or location. All donations are tax deductible, and 100% of all donations are used to support the children. Monthly donations will be distributed to the areas where the need is greatest, whether that be food, clothing, medical care, or educational support. We understand that not everyone can give a large amount of money each month, but every little bit helps. Even the smallest donation can make a difference in the lives of these children. That’s why we encourage everyone to give whatever they can, no matter how small, to help these children in need.
Respond to an emergency
In the event of an emergency, the SOC Commission will take immediate action to protect and provide for the safety and well-being of immigrant children. The Commission will work to: -Locate and assist affected children and families
- Provide medical and psychological care
- Facilitate the reunification of families
- Provide legal assistance to ensure that children’s rights are protected
- Ensure that children are placed in safe, stable, and permanent homes
- Provide education and/or employment opportunities for children
- Monitor and report on the situation of children
- Advocate for changes in policies and practices to ensure the protection of children

Fundraise for Save Our Children
Join Us in Raising Funds to Support Immigrant Children in Need!

Create a legacy
Balance your personal financial objectives with a meaningful contribution to Save Children’s mission.
More ways to make a difference
Partner with us with your company
Get help making a donation
Gift in someone's honor
Make a gift of stock
Renew your membership
Give through your workplace
Make a grant to Save Our Children
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Corporate partnerships / Partners For Change
Save Our Children works with corporate partners to help further its mission. The organization partners with corporations to provide legal services, education, and resources to immigrants and their children.
Corporate partners also help the organization to create strategies to combat the challenges faced by immigrant children and families. SOS also provides corporate partners with the opportunity to support their local communities. Through the organization’s corporate partnerships, local businesses can help provide legal representation and resources to immigrants and their children.
This helps to ensure that immigrant children and families have access to the resources they need to succeed. Save Our Children is committed to creating a safe and secure environment for immigrant children and families. The organization’s corporate partnerships are essential to achieving this goal. By working together with corporate partners, SOS is able to provide the legal services, education, and resources necessary to help immigrant children and families have safe and successful lives.
Why work with Save Our Children
Working with SOS provides businesses with the opportunity to support their local communities. Through the organization’s corporate partnerships, local businesses can help provide legal services and resources to immigrants and their children. This helps to ensure that immigrant children and families have access to the resources they need to succeed.
Save Our Children also provides corporate partners with the opportunity to raise awareness and take a stand on issues related to immigrant children and their families. By forming a corporate partnership with the organization, businesses can help to ensure that the voices of immigrants are heard and their needs are met. Save Our Children is committed to creating a safe and secure environment for immigrant children and families.
Through corporate partnerships, businesses can help the organization to create strategies to combat the challenges faced by immigrant children and families. By working together with SOS, businesses can make a positive impact on the lives of immigrant children and families.

Providing a donation to Save Our Children America supports lifesaving relief efforts when a humanitarian emergency strikes as well as critical recovery work to help devastated communities rebuild.
Make a program grant
Support from grantmakers represents an essential component of Save Our Children social injustice around the U.S. Together with our funding partners, we bring a unique value to international development work through transformative programs and advocacy campaigns that enable poor people to exercise their rights and build sustainable ways of earning a living.

Corporate matching gifts
Matching gifts multiply the effect of your employees’ donations and your company’s support of SOS life-changing work. Contact: corps.foundations@Save Our

Payroll giving
Payroll giving enables employees to Give tax-free via their paychecks—a great way to introduce corporate social responsibility. Contact: corps.foundations@Save Our

Organize an Save Our Children Rescue® event
Invite your co-workers to join your efforts by holding an educational and fund-raising SOS Hunger Banquet® event at your place of business.