August 19, 2022
In an earlier post, we talked about a systemic ill in which children who couldn’t find homes to adopt them end up in a life of crime and prostitution. This is a big issue, and yet we need to be reminded that we only discussed a local development in Cuyahoga County, Cleveland. However, in this blog, we will see how systemic ills can find a place at the highest levels.
And so we train our sights on one of the most controversial videos in recent times, entitled Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, a film by award-winning director Dr. Andy Wakefield. The video has been making its rounds on the internet since mid-2022, and it puts into light the existence of powerful global machinations that cook up elaborate plans for their selfish objectives.
The film details the harrowing plight of women in Kenya who had been administered a vaccine that supposedly addressed tetanus – but that was only a disguise. While the vaccine did enable women to develop antibodies for tetanus, they also developed antibodies for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).
Bear with me as I go science-y for a bit more:
HCG is a natural chemical that develops in the body of a woman. When it develops, it is a sign that she is already pregnant. HCG also acts as a signal that tells the woman’s body to produce another chemical called progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that maintains the pregnancy. It’s literally the stuff that ensures the full and successful development of the baby in the womb.
What the tetanus vaccine does is that it creates antibodies that go against HCG. The system of the now vaccinated pregnant woman literally neutralizes HCG, because that’s how the immune response in her works. So following the simple logic, no HCG means no progesterone. No progesterone means no baby. In other words, this whole sequence of chemical events renders a woman sterile, or unable to have children.
And this vaccination was rolled out by the World Health Organization for a good 2 decades.
There’s strong speculation that this move was made in the interest of addressing an alarming global population. It’s true that the number of people all across the globe is increasing at a rate that the planet’s resources cannot support for long. It’s a legitimate problem, for sure.

But what the powers-that-be did right here is they took the liberty of choosing which group of people had to be stopped from continuing on. Apparently, they chose a race from among the ones that are considered “unstable developing world countries,” the majority of which are black.
An African country like Kenya must have been too easy of a choice. Could you blame anyone who might believe that this was motivated by racism, too? Whatever motivations they had, one thing is for sure – there was a lot of profiteering involved in this tragedy. Profiteering at the expense of human lives, that is.
It even could have been worse if not for a civic group in the Philippines, which won a court order that stopped a UNICEF program that had to do with a vaccine that had HCG. But the fact is, the program in Kenya had been in place for a while already. By the time the court order came out, there were already 3 million women who had received the tainted vaccine. Many Kenyan women, and women from all over, are now infertile because of a tetanus vaccine.
As many expected, the movie received flack from the other side of the fence, even tagging Wakefield and the film’s executive producer, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as deceptive anti-vaxxers and propagandists. A whole lot of things have been said against the movie and its makers all over the internet.
However, nobody seems to give an answer to a simple question: If it was indeed an honest-to-goodness tetanus vaccination drive, why weren’t the recipients made aware of the HCG and sought for their consent on it?

Then there’s also the argument that the infertility caused by the vaccine was reversible, which supposedly makes it a lot less dangerous than it actually is. If it were indeed reversible and the women were not aware of the infertility side effect to begin, where would they get cause to have it reversed? Any random woman who had received the vaccine would have no cause for alarm. Since there were potentially huge consequences, wouldn’t one in his right mind think to at least communicate these to those who received the vaccine?
Something just doesn’t add up. This really feels like a covert plan. From the looks of it, it only makes sense that someone wanted it that way.
This development changes the way that we view vaccines – especially in today’s circumstances. The huge elephant in the room is now the looming doubt on the whole Covid-19 vaccination. Is it totally misplaced to suspect that this could be a diabolical agenda all over again? It’s not so much a matter of whether people are right or wrong about it. There is a lingering fear that needs to be addressed with real answers.